How do we learn gender?

While reading Robyn Ryle’s essay “How do we learn gender?” She uses great examples of why and how important it is to learn about gender and to share it with people. I think from a young age we don’t even consider learning about gender or gender socialization past male and female. It isn’t until we are much older and able to study this topic on our own that people begin to understand it more. I think this should definitely change because there is so many more options and you should get to choose at a certain age or when you understand it. I also don’t believe that the doctor should be able to determine if you are inter-sexual just because of a 1.5 centimetre difference, or any genital in general, this is ridiculious. Society is socialized to begin to treat people a certain way because of their apparent gender from birth to a point where they wouldn’t know the difference.

Its sad that in today’s society men are still seen as the norm. For it to be okay for men to be considered a “stud” after having many sexual partners, where as if it was a female in this situation she would be deemed as a “slut”.

My favourite part of the article that really made me interested was when Ryle asked the question:

How would society in which being female is perceived as the norm be different?

Men have always been seen as the norm in society and this is why people have a hard time adjusting to the fact that there are other genders and many other ways to self identify. Society is finally slowly accepting this.

Pink or Blue? Week 4 Friday Journal

When I was younger I would always get my brothers old clothes passed down to me to wear while he would usually get new ones. At the time I thought this was a really big deal because I wanted to fit in with the girls in my class but really I fit in more with the boys. My older sister is 11 years older then me, so I didn’t really have a chance to wear her clothes. I now realize looking back that it really doesn’t matter girl or boy clothes children don’t really notice those sort of things when they are little. It realistically saved some money in the long run because children grow so fast and once I stopped growing I was definitely not hurting for clothes that I wanted to wear. However at the time I thought it was the end of the world.. but I survived and now I wear whatever I want. 🙂

What is Gender and why should we care about it? Reading Response week 3 Sunday

                While reading this passage “What is Gender and why should we care about it?” I was very intrigued. I think what I found the most helpful about Ryle’s introduction was she didn’t express that one opinion on Gender was correct, but she invited the reader to come and learn about it and to create their own opinion about Gender and surrounding topics. In the introduction she put a very familiar image in my head about how the first day of class is perceived. While using familiar examples and asking questions she helped me create my own understanding and opinion.

             When Ryle went into detail explaining things using examples, is what really helped me to understand this piece of writing. I really enjoyed the Gender Myths and how “men are supposed to be taller then women”. Society perceives this yet, female runway models are usually 6 foot if not taller. This proves that biological differences are influenced by society. If it was two skeletons beside each other no one would notice the difference and the gender does not matter. Ryle made this concept so much clearer to me when she used examples and explained them in more then one way. This helped me come up with my own examples and understanding of this topic.

Live your dash

I am considered a bit of a gypsy or even a wanderlust some would say. I am all about collecting experiences and education. I don’t want to miss out on anything in life so I am one to try anything! You can only miss out on things if you don’t try. I don’t consider my self to be a great formal or non formal writer. I am more of a verbal person. I enjoy having in-depth conversations that bring a purpose or educational aspect to my life or someone else’s. I am going to have to learn how to do that over a blog post now, so hang in there with me while I bring my writing skills up to level with the rest of the bloggers out there.

Travelling is the most important part of my life. I will travel the world until I am not able to anymore. Born and raised in Canada but going to school in America the past 5 years has allowed me so many new experiences and travel opportunities.

I am a performer at heart. I am always down to entertain people and make them laugh. I started my first ballet class when I was just 4 years old. It grew into so much more then a social environment on Saturday mornings. It became my life and all that I am. Dancing is my passion and sharing it with other people is my joy. DancingI attended a small liberal arts school in Michigan for 3 years..while going to that school it seemed to me that I was almost losing my passion for dance as I felt like I wasn’t progressing. I am a fond believer that if something in your life isn’t going the way you planned then you have the freedom to change it and do what does make you happy. I transferred to CU last January and I have found that passion once again entering into the dance program here. It is so refreshing to be able to pick up and move and have a fresh start in a new town. To not know anybody and to create new relationships that are more exciting then the ones at the last place. I am goinAerial lyrag on my 5th year as a dance major and am still learning new dance forms and concepts. Aerial dance is something I have picked up in the last year and it fascinates me and excites me more then any other form of dance I have worked with before. It is acrobatic and graceful and over all it is a huge challenge. Which is the reason I transferred schools.. I did not feel like I was getting enough of what I really wanted at that school. CU has filled that void for me. Aerial dance is the best part of my day! To be in the air using all your strength to hold you up makes you feel so controlled and graceful.

Extreme situations are what get me excited and make me feel accomplished at the end of the day. Scuba Diviturttleng is something I absolutely love. It makes me feel 100% content and calm being under the water. Seeing how other species live from day to day is just mezmarizing to me. It is the most adventurous thing I have done.

Another thing I have been enjoying lately is getting in touch with my inner “Boulderite” I purchased a bicycle the other day and have been riding it anywhere I can. It feels good to not have to drive around in circles to look for a parking space and to waste gas while doing so.

Moving to Boulder was one of the best decisions in my life. Everything I enjoy in life is in this small but busy town. When I was a newborn baby until I was 3, my bedroom window faced the mountains in Calgary, Alberta Canada.
CowbabyI think this is why I am still so in love with mountains today! What feels like everlasting sunshine in Boulder is another thing that makes me happy to wake up in this city every day. Everyone is so active and always outside enjoying life.

I am absolutely in love with Dogs. Dogs are my favourite thing in the whole world. If I could own 100 dogs I totally would! For now I have one 6 year old Chocolate Lab, my baby girl Nova. She is obsessed with ducks.novas