Week 9 Sunday Assignment: Reading Response

After reading  all of the articles, I have come to the conclusion that they all have the common denominator of this idea that we are born the way we turn out to be. There are many ways to be categorized or labeled in life and being born this way is one of those categories. Why should we even have to differentiate between these labels and place our selves accordingly. Many years ago before these categories were invented by society there was no judgement with labels. This was created over time from people who were most likely unsure of their own sexuality.  Also jumping from different categories in our society is also a very grey area as well. In one of the readings the topic of being born gay is how you have to live the rest of your life. Society will then make sense of how you feel as long as you are consistent with it. Doesn’t really make much sense to me to be  honest. One thing that I noticed in most of the articles was this idea being portrayed that your sexuality is subject to change at any point in your life. Social constuctionism is also common among these articles, this explains that homosexuality was socially constructed among society. I think most of the Reddit users are not very familiar with the subject past their own opinions. Most of the comments are not very pursuasive but merely personal opinions. There were only a few comments where the user seemed to have done any form of research on the topics being discussed. However, it is Reddit after all and not everything you read on there is true!





1 Comment

  1. Your post was a collaboration of very detailed facts as well as some conversational writing in there. I think that’s what caught my eye to continue to read more. I think you did a great job pulling apart the different ideas, as well as stating your own opinions! Good post!


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