Slutty Grapes

Today I saw two girls dressed up as slutty fruit. It was awesome . A slutty grape and a slutty strawberry. Who decided when fruits could be slutty? It wouldn’t really be slutty if a male was dressed up in such a costume he would just be considered a Funny Grape. This is because females are the epitome of sexualization in society. Its unfair. If a man wants to be a slutty grape he should be allowed to be a slutty grape and society should recognize him as such.


  1. I suspect that the “sluttiness” of the costumes had nothing to do with the fact that they were fruit and everything to do with the fact that women wanted to dress provocatively for Halloween — whether b/c it’s what “all the other girls were doing” or b/c they wanted to see what it would feel like to dress in a sexy manner or for some other reason.

    The fact that they chose fruit as the their costumes just makes the situation that much more clear: for some reason many college-aged and 20-something women feel the need to make their Halloween costumes “sexy” no matter what they wanted to dress up as. I bet there’s a gender studies professor out there somewhere who’s undertaken a study of the reasons why, since the phenomenon is so common and yet the reasons aren’t entirely obvious (esp. when wearing a “sexy” costume leaves one open to freezing weather!)

    The fact that men don’t feel the need to make their Halloween costumes “sexy” is a different issue, I think, and likely has more to do with the fact that straight women don’t necessarily reward men for being “sexy” (not the way straight men reward women for being “sexy”). Straight women tend to reward men for other traits, like being smart, compassionate, funny, or good-natured — and I suspect you can see that in many men’s choices of Halloween costumes. A guy who wore the male version of a “sexy banana” costume would probably NOT come across as appealing to most straight women!


    • I should’ve added this reason to the end of the first paragraph: I suspect many straight women choose to dress in “sexy” costumes b/c they want to be appealing to men.

      I also wonder what y’all see as the distinction between “slutty” and “sexy” when it comes to costume choices. I intentionally used “sexy” instead of “slutty” to avoid the judgmental connotations of “slutty” (that it’s wrong for women to want to appear sexy to men).


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