Outcasted- Week 10 Sunday Assignment

For a 6 year old, the Wizard of Oz Skating Carnival is the most important thing in the whole entire world.  Obviously, I wanted to be Dorothy and have my four legged companion Todo skating along my side with my sparkly red skates, but I was 6. When you are 6 you get to be a munchkin, which is maybe exciting for most 6 year olds or anyone who wants to dress up like a  munchkin. However, when our instructor was assigning our costumes and what we would wear for the big day, I was so excited. My eyes were wide and paying attention, listening to every single name called. Finally my name was called and I skated up to grab my costume. I couldn’t really see what it was from the wrapped cellophane but I saw parts of it and it was sparkly and red! I was so thrilled to be a munchkin that almost matched Dorothy. I brought my costume home and my mother pulled out the picture of what it was supposed to look like and once she finished sewing it and adding all the sequins and what not…. It wasn’t until she showed me the picture that I was heartbroken… I had to be a BOY munchkin. I had to tuck my hair up and wear a little suit with only SOME sparkles… I was devastated..not only was I upset with the fact that I had to be a boy munchkin…….I was also the ONLY boy munchkin. It was terrible. I was already a victim of bullying within my skating group because I was smaller and they didn’t like my red hair. I didn’t care, I ignored the other children’s snickering and went along with my life…. Once the dress rehearsal came around and the other girls saw that I was dressed up as a boy munchkin I was humiliated. There was laughter from the other children because they all got to be cute little girl munchkins and I didn’t. I was outcasted. I remember it being so awful that I completely quit skating. I never returned to skating because some children made me feel excluded because of a costume that I had to wear for two days. It wasn’t about that and Im sure it wouldn’t have been such a big deal to me if the other girls would have just accepted my costume like their own and I would have enjoyed the day that I waited all year long for.

1 Comment

  1. I like how you clearly indicated the emotions you felt during this experience. I am so sorry that you were exiled by the other kids. It is interesting however that I teacher assigned gender-bending costumes at such a young age, especially without a choice. Maybe a good way to challenge the gender binary, but definitely at the expense of a young child.


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