Writing Tools Activity 7: Week 12 Friday


SET 7 – For WT Activity #7 DUE Week 12 Friday
TOOL 31: Build your work around a key question.
TOOL 32: Place gold coins along the path.
TOOL 33: Repeat, repeat, and repeat.
TOOL 34: Write from different cinematic angles.


For this writing tools activity I chose to use tool 31: Build your work around a key question.



This week we had run into some challenges with our teaching, myself especially. We experienced a little bit of a language barrier with some of the children who mainly spoke Spanish. It was difficult at this point because we were filling out information sheets with the children and they had to help us write the answers to the questions. One of the little girls whose first language was Spanish was having trouble communicating with us. I have never taken a Spanish class in my entire life; in Canada we have to take French growing up. Thank goodness one of the facilitators could speak a good amount of Spanish to be able to communicate fluidly with her. It was so shocking that we didn’t realize this until the 3rd week and it is sad but also a good lesson to be learned. This little girl to us just seemed shy, it didn’t occur to us that she didn’t understand or speak English very well. It was me that figured it out and brought it to the attention of the other facilitators. She could communicate through her dancing and playing but when she had to answer questions it was more difficult for her and even for us to help her. Now it is very important to help her have a better understanding and to communicate in a way she understands so she can be included in the activity 100%.


This week we had run into some challenges with our teaching, myself especially. We experienced a little bit of a language barrier with some of the children who mainly spoke Spanish. It was difficult at this point because we were filling out information sheets with the children and they had to help us write the answers to the questions. One of the little girls whose first language was Spanish was having trouble communicating with us. I have never taken a Spanish class in my entire life; in Canada we have to take French growing up. Thank goodness one of the facilitators could speak a good amount of Spanish to be able to communicate fluidly with her. It was so shocking that we didn’t realize this until the 3rd week and it is sad but also a good lesson to be learned. This little girl to us just seemed shy, it didn’t occur to us that she didn’t understand or speak English very well. It was me that figured it out and brought it to the attention of the other facilitators. She could communicate through her dancing and playing but when she had to answer questions it was more difficult for her and even for us to help her. Now it is very important to help her have a better understanding and to communicate in a way she understands so she can be included in the activity 100%.


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