Week 12 Sunday Assignment

The first example that I chose to write about is the comic It’s Okay to be Like Dad….and Bake! I chose this one because it is very similar to the second project I chose to write about. I can’t believe that baking is seen as not manly? You are making delicious treats which is for everyone! This project had more dialogue but the comic and the example pictures were great. I really enjoyed how the father figure is also going against norms and cooking dinner and cleaning and baking. The little boy wanted to ask for an easy bake oven for christmas but his friends made fun of him for it. Which isn’t fair to him because baking has nothing to do with being manly. I really like the comic format I think it provides a good tool to introduce this material with. I really enjoyed the detailed background information that was shared before the sound clip had played.


The second project I have enjoyed now more then once has also caught my eye once again. The story was a great example, which is why it was showed in class a few times.   I chose to write about Manly Men Can Bake Their Cake and Eat It Too. This made me think about making this kind of animation for my end project rather then my original idea of a comic strip. I liked this simple short story idea on his personal experience. His experience was that he enjoyed baking and wanted to impress a girl on her birthday with a homemade white sponge cake with cream-cheese frosting. He brought her the cake and the other kids called him a faggot for baking her a cake and she wouldn’t even eat the cake. From that day on he became a boxer so he could be considered manly to the rest of the world.  It was the perfect amount of information and is informative to people who understand Gender and Sexuality Studies as well as people who have not had any experience with these topics. This project has inspired me the most.




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